Low Country Oyster Festival, Mt Pleasant, SC
January 26, 2020
The World’s Largest Oyster Festival takes place yearly at Boone Hall Plantation and Gardens near Charleston. On the last Sunday in January, thousands of hungry participants arrive to chow down on steamed oysters.

This festival goes through 65,000 pounds of steamed oysters in one afternoon. Volunteers tend giant vats that billow with steam and turn out oysters by the bucketful.

Experienced attendees come equipped with gloves, oyster knives, and lots of paper towels. Novices quickly learn the ropes and get in on the action. Everyone eats at communal tables. This is a stand-up event- up and not for the squeamish. The plastic covered tables are already juicy from other diners’ meals. You grab a paper towel, clear off a spot, and get down to business.

We jumped in and easily made friends with locals who attend every year. We managed to hold our own in both the oyster and beer consumption categories.

The empty oyster shells are tossed into large wooden crates. The shells are returned to the Bay, recycled as habitat for another generation of oysters.

We were lucky that we were able to attend this year’s festival with John’s sister Diane and her husband Ric. It was a warm, blue sky day and lots of fun!